It’s that time of year, when you feel the giddiness and anticipation for new DLC on your favorite game. Okay, maybe not FAVORITE, but played-til-you-made-your-console-hot-to-the-touch game, and I’m talking about CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS. Even though this game was shunned by many COD fans, the ones that actually enjoy this title are in for a real treat with these new upcoming maps. Bigger? YES. You might scream at your tv or yell at your teammates? OH, YES! Scary looking zombie space monkeys? OMG, I’M CLAPPING WITH EXCITEMENT. And yes, I actually did a happy dance when I saw the trailer for it, and I’m hyped to share it with you all!!! HERE WE GO!
Now, for what seems like will be my *FAVORITE* map, Stadium! This is going to be for you shotgun using, SMG toting, kamikaze, run-and-gun type players, such as myself. *happy dance* It’s catered more towards people who like close-quarters combat, so I expect to see A LOT of melee kills, especially if you’re the type that auto-melees if someone just happens to run in front of you. I am hoping this is an expanded-type version of Nuketown, which is always fast-paced in any gameplay, which is exactly what this map is supposed to offer. It will be a great map for the Flak Jacket perk, so you all keep that in mind!
NOW, for the icing on the cupcake!
ASCENSION. *cue the Zombie music*
If you play Zombies as much as I have, then seeing a new, scarier map is going to make you squeal like a piggy! It looks darker, bigger, and more fast paced than Kino Der Toten or FIVE. Instead of seeing one teleporting device like on Kino, or several that are on FIVE, we see lunar landers. They look like a sort of hovercraft that will take you from one place on the map to another while still being able to shoot at the zombies, which you can’t do when using teleporters. At the start of the Ascension preview, there is a turret in use. It’s unclear as to any turrets being player controlled or auto, but it looks like it will definitely come in handy. Along with the usual drone-like zombies that somehow obtain Marathon Pro in later levels and the Crawler zombies with the killer gas, we are introduced to a new enemy: the zombie space monkey. They seem to also have unlimited sprinting abilities, and the swarms look much more menacing than usual. I don’t think it will make me sleep better at night knowing the space monkeys have red eyes, the zombies have yellow eyes, and the crawlers have NO eyes. *cue the nightmares*
There are special achievements for Ascension on XBL (which I’m sure will also become Trophies on PS3), which are:
The Eagle has Landers (35G) – In Ascension, escape on all three lunar landers.
They are going THROUGH! (35G) – In Ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 Gersch device.
Space Race (45G) – In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon before round 8.
Chimp on the Barbie (35G) – In Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.
The First Strike map pack makes its debut on Xbox Live February 1, 2011. No release date has been set for PS3 or PC users as of yet, but since there is usually a month or so wait, my guess is it will be out in March or April. I’ll make sure to keep you all posted, since I will be awaiting my turn to play these new maps on PS3. ’Til then, ‘use of deadly force is authorized’.
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